Posted by : Sushanth Wednesday, 12 January 2022


Back-of-the-envelope estimation:

This section explains how to estimate system capacity or performance requirements?


Latency numbers:

Dr Deans Numbers

Best Practices:

 • Memory is fast but the disk is slow.

• Avoid disk seeks if possible.

• Simple compression algorithms are fast.

 • Compress data before sending it over the internet if possible.

 • Data centers are usually in different regions, and it takes time to send data between them.

Availability numbers:

High availability is the ability of a system to be continuously operational for a desirably long period of time. High availability is measured as a percentage, with 100% means a service that has 0 downtime. Most services fall between 99% and 100%.

A service level agreement (SLA) is a commonly used term for service providers. This is an agreement between you (the service provider) and your customer, and this agreement formally defines the level of uptime your service will deliver. Cloud providers Amazon, Google and Microsoft set their SLAs at 99.9% or above. Uptime is traditionally measured in nines. The more the nines, the better.

Example: Generate Image Results Page Of 30 Thumbnails:

Design 1 - Serial 

§       Read images serially. Do a disk seek. Read a 256K image and then go on to the next image.

§       Performance: 30 seeks * 10 ms/seek + 30 * 256K / 30 MB /s = 560ms

Design 2 - Parallel 

§      Issue reads in parallel.

§      Performance: 10 ms/seek + 256K read / 30 MB/s = 18ms

§  There will be variance from the disk reads, so the more likely time is 30-60ms

Seek Time: 
It is the time that is taken by the head of a disc to move from one track to another track on a disk. Seek Time can vary a lot upon where the head is present right now when the read/write request is sent, hence Average Seek Time is used more widely. For a clearer picture, consider a hard-disk of concentric circle called tracks, suppose you want to fetch some data. Seek Time is the time need for the head to move from its current track to the one where the data is present


Transfer Time: 
Transfer time is the time taken to transfer the data from the disk. It varies on the rotational speed of the disk, the faster a disk rotates the faster we can read data and on the Number of bytes on one track which can also be called the density of the disk, the more the faster we can transfer data hence lower transfer time. 

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