Posted by : Sushanth Monday, 17 January 2022


Factory Patterns:

Creational patterns: Abstract the object instantiation process. They hide how objects are

                               created and help make the overall system independent of how its  

                               objects are created and composed.

 Factory Method:     It’s a class creational pattern. Uses inheritance to decide the object to  

                                be instantiated.

 Abstract Factory:    It’s a object creational pattern. Focuses on the delegation of the 

                                instantiation to another object.

The Factory method pattern:

“Define an interface for creating an object but let subclasses decide which class to instantiate. Factory method lets a class defer instantiation to subclasses.”


Use the Factory Method pattern in any of the following situations:

v  A class can't anticipate the class of objects it must create

v  A class wants its subclasses to specify the objects it creates


Product : Defines the interface for the type of objects the factory method creates
ConcreteProduct: Implements the Product interface
Creator: Declares the factory method, which returns an object of type Product
ConcreteCreator: Overrides the factory method to return an instance of concreteProduct

The Factory Method Pattern lets subclasses decide which class to instantiate?

 It means that Creator class is written without knowing what actual ConcreteProduct class will be instantiated. The ConcreteProduct class which is instantiated is determined solely by which ConcreteCreator subclass is instantiated and used by the application.


#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

 class product





              cout << "product constructor" << endl;


       virtual void displayname() = 0;


class concreteprd1 : public product





              cout << "concreteprd1 constructor" << endl;


       void displayname()


              cout << "the concrete product 1" << endl;



class concreteprd2 : public product





              cout << "concreteprd2 constructor" << endl;


       void displayname()


              cout << "the concrete product 2" << endl;



class creator



       virtual product* createproduct() = 0;


class concretecreator1 : public creator



       virtual product* createproduct()


              cout << "concrete creator 1 " << endl;

              return new concreteprd1;



class concretecreator2 : public creator



       virtual product* createproduct()


              cout << "concrete creator 2 " << endl;

              return new concreteprd2;



 int main() {

       cout << "Factory Pattern" << endl; // prints Factory Pattern

       creator *c = new concretecreator1();

       product *p = c->createproduct();


       delete c;

       delete p;

       return 0;



Simple Factory Example

// Interface
public interface IChoice
    string Buy();
// Factory Class
public class FactoryChoice
    static public IChoice getChoiceObj(string cChoice)
        IChoice objChoice=null;
        if (cChoice.ToLower() == "car")
            objChoice = new clsCar();
        else if (cChoice.ToLower() == "bike")
            objChoice = new clsBike();
            objChoice = new InvalidChoice();
        return objChoice;
//Business classes
public class clsBike:IChoice
    #region IChoice Members
    public string Buy()
        return ("You choose Bike");
public class clsCar:IChoice
    #region IChoice Members
    public string Buy()
        return ("You choose Car");
//Client class
IChoice objInvoice;
objInvoice = FactoryClass.FactoryChoice.getChoiceObj(txtChoice.Text.Trim());

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